Crypto Currency

How to maximize your anonymity?

The transparency of the system can be a disadvantage for cryptocurrency holders who want to maximize their anonymity. For this purpose, special services have been developed – bitcoin mixers, which allow you to maintain confidentiality when managing your financial assets.

The working principle of Blockchain technology

The main trends in the development of modern society are determined by the evolution of information and communication technologies, the introduction of which leads to the emergence of new social phenomena and significant changes in social reality. One such phenomenon is Blockchain technology.

When you look at a transaction in the Blockchain, you see the transaction’s input on the left and the output on the right. Each exit will have a red or green icon next to it. Red means that the output has already been used in the next transaction and cannot be used again. Green means the output is a UTXO and can be used for a later send. Hover your mouse over the icon to see if this output is used.

The most important features of the Bitcoin mixer

The most effective way to keep your Blockchain transactions safe is by using the services of Bitcoin mixers. A bitcoin mixer helps to increase the anonymity of operations with this cryptocurrency, as well as:

  • is a tool for increasing the anonymity of transactions in blockchain networks;
  • is a way to obfuscate the traces during transactions;
  • only one confirmation is required, after which freshly cleared bitcoins are sent to the specified wallet.

The user can optionally split the transaction into several separate amounts to hide the real amount sent. The distribution of funds between multiple wallets makes it impossible to trace the connection between the sender and the recipient. Mixers charge a commission for their services in the amount of 0.5-3% of the transaction amount.